Swim School Timetable


Baby & Me, Toddler, Development, Family & Private lessons are scheduled at various times throughout the week.  Please contact the team at Swim HQ for more information.

Swim School Programs

Baby & Me

3mths – 18mths

Duration: 30mins

The aim of this class is to introduce your baby to the water and pool environment.  We help your baby understand what happens when they go under water and help them become comfortable with different swimming positions.  Lots of paddles and kicks as well as floating and learning that the wall is a safe place.  Songs and games provide a fun learning environment.


18mths – 3yrs

Duration: 30mins

In this class we start to encourage more independence, using a little less support from the carer.  We show you how to adjust your hold as your baby grows to allow them to develop new skills and confidence.  New songs and games are played to enhance their development.  There is a strong emphasis on safety – getting into the water, finding the wall/step, getting out of the water, and floating.

Development 1

3yrs +

Duration: 30mins

This is the first class children have without their carers in the water with them.  They learn to follow instruction and swim independently for the first time.  We focus on what to do if they fall into the water unexpectedly.  Introduce them to kick boards and noodles, floating unaided & coming up for breaths on their own.

Development 2

All ages

Duration: 30mins

Breathing, blowing bubbles & body form. Basic freestyle and backstroke begin. Safe water entries and rescues are also practiced.

Development 3

All Ages

Duration: 30mins

Breaststroke and butterfly strokes are introduced at this level.  We continue to include safety drills and improve freestyle and backstroke.

Private 1 on 1

Children – Adults

Duration: 30mins

A personalised individual lesson.  Uninterrupted, private swim instruction.


Family Swim

Bring all of your children to one session.

Each child will receive a 15min individual lesson while other siblings watch or play in the kids area.





What to Bring

  • Towel
  • Water bottle
  • Hat
  • Sun cream
  • Goggles (if desired)
  • Sun safe swim suite / rashie

Extras for Babies & Toddlers

  • Swimming nappies (essential if not toilet trained)

Swim School Pool Rules

  • Only class members & instructor should be in the pool.
  • No running in the pool area.
  • Never push anyone into the pool.
  • No jumping into the pool unless instructed.
  • Be kind to others
  • HAVE FUN !!

2023 Swim School Schedule


Monday, 30th January


Saturday, 1st April

9 weeks

Monday, 17th April


Saturday, 24th June

10 weeks

Monday, 10th July


Saturday, 16th September


10 weeks


Tuesday, 3rd October

Monday, 18th December

11 weeks


Payment is required in full, two weeks prior to the start of Swim HQ’s Swim School Term calendar.  Because our schedule is very full, we cannot reserve a spot without payment.  For your benefit and for scheduling purposes we cannot allow clients to hold spots without payment.

Swim HQ operates on a pay by the term basis. If your class falls on a public holiday, unfortunately no Make-Up classes will be offered.

Swim School Cancellation & Class Make-up Policy

In order to cancel swim school bookings, 30 days notice is required via email ([email protected]).  This notice period provides us time to determine our staffing needs, scheduling & operational adjustments.

  • You must notify Swim HQ at least 4 hours before your lesson if you cannot attend. No make-up lesson will be given for non-attendance without notice.
  • A maximum of 2 make-up lessons will be offered per Term.
  • The 2 make-up lessons must be used with the Term dates and will not be carried over to the next term.
  • We will offer up to 2 alternative days/times for you to attend a make-up session, however due to Swim HQ’s busy schedule, we cannot always guarantee these times will suit.  
  • Missed make-up lessons cannot be made up if we are not notified at least 4 hours before your booking.

If you would like a make-up lesson, please notify Swim HQ in writing.  Swim HQ will not organise a make-up lesson unless you have requested one.

If Swim HQ has to reschedule your lesson for any unforeseen circumstances, a make-up lesson will be organised.

Swim HQ operates an outdoor facility and we are exposed to the elements, we will notify you on the day (in advance) if your booking is cancelled due to a weather event e.g lightning, then only 1 make-up lesson will be organised for you during the term.  In the event of a natural disaster, no make-up lessons will be issued.  This is due to the fact that mother nature events are completely out of Swim HQ’s control.

Seek medical advice if you are unsure if your child should participate, especially if they show signs of contagious illnesses such as cough/cold, cold sores, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, ring worm, school sores etc.  It is appreciated that you do not bring sick children to their lesson.

Liability Waiver / Disclaimer

Thank you for choosing to swim with Swim HQ!